
She is left alone again. To stare at the walls, A deafening silence filling the hall. Her body feels numb, From the burden she's trying to overcome. Thoughts pass through her brain, As heavy as a metal chain, Her mind can no longer take the strain. She has a lot to share, But no one to listen and care. She lies alone staring at the moon, In the darkness that would consume her soon. The walls haunt her at night, Along with the little yellow light that comes in sight. She's surrounded by melancholy, And believes it's her folly. She's trapped in a whirlpool of lies , A tear falls down her eyes. Traveling all the way down her face, And soaking into the pillowcase. Her heart begins to bleed, From the wounds that have not healed. She waited for answers that never came, From people who find her lame. Her friends weren't her friends. The friendships she trusted, Now appear to have rusted. She would let go things that hurt her for, she was afraid to lose. People who were ...